What makes Featherstone different?

  1. Super-fresh organic food: Usually picked within 48 hours of delivery (spring and summer shares; winter shares are mostly storage veggies).

  2. Choose your box every week: Set your preferences, then modify your box every week. We grow 95 varieties of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, so you’ll have plenty to choose from.

  3. A special kind of local: Grown alongside the Root River in southeast Minnesota’s beautiful Driftless Area, an ecological hotspot. Our food is grown in the rich, organic soil deposited by the Root River over thousands of years. You’ll taste the difference!

  4. Fair labor: We participate in the federal H2A visa program and have been a leader in the fair labor movement, ensuring that our farmworkers, both local and from Mexico, are treated fairly.

  5. Excellent customer service: 97% of our 2023 summer share customers said they were happy with the quality of their produce, and they gave us a 4.9 rating for customer service. If you’re not happy with your box, call or email and we’ll credit your account.