The Featherstone Farm
CSA Success Series
Here’s everything you need to enjoy your Featherstone Farm CSA farm box subscription.
CSA Success #1: Welcome to Featherstone
We recount a very short history of community supported agriculture (CSA), the model that Featherstone Farm’s CSA Farm Box subscriptions are based on. Also, a short history of Featherstone Farm and the values that guide us.
CSA Success #2: Customizing and Scheduling Your Farm Box
The Featherstone Farm CSA program allows you to personalize your farm box by setting your crop preferences at the beginning of the season so that our crop allocation software automatically gives you more or less of a particular vegetable in your box every week. In addition, you can further customize each week’s box delivery by adding or removing items. We’ll also discuss how to reschedule your box if you will be unavailable to pick it up. This is an overview article…for step-by-step, detailed instructions, see How to Customize Your Box.
CSA Success #3: Picking Up Your Farm Box
A very short guide to delivery sites, schedules, and box pickup procedures.
CSA Success #4: Washing, Preparing, and Storing Your Food
Local, organic vegetables need a little extra care than what you’re used to from the grocery store. We’ll explain why, and show you some basic storage tips to help keep your food fresh all week long.
CSA Success #5: The Local Food Difference
Eating local, seasonal produce has many advantages—it tastes better, it’s more nutritious, and it has huge social and environmental benefits. Learn why eating local is worth a little extra effort!
CSA Success #6: CSA Mindset: Adapting to the Rhythm of Local Food
Did you know that it’s typical for 30 to 50 percent of the people who join a Community Supported Agriculture program to leave after one year? What makes the difference between one-time CSA members and long-term CSA members, according to researchers, is the ability of long-term members to develop “CSA mindset.” In this installment, we’re going to look at CSA mindset—and offer some practical tips for getting the most value and enjoyment out of your CSA subscription.
How Does Featherstone Price Its Crops?
At Featherstone, we're committed to being as transparent as possible about how food gets from our soil in southeastern Minnesota to your plate. That's why we post the prices of our crops when you customize your box. Here's an overview of how we determine our prices, and why at times they might be higher or lower than you expect.
How Do I Customize My Farm Box?
At Featherstone Farm, our CSAware software allows members to customize their farm box subscription. Set your crop preferences at the beginning of the season, then adjust box contents before each delivery. Here’s how.
How Do I Reschedule or Donate a Farm Box Delivery?
Are you going to be away for a few weeks? No worries! You can reschedule your farm box delivery for another week, or donate it to our food shelf partner. Here’s how.
How Do I Manage My CSA Auto-Renew Settings?
All CSA subscriptions are set to automatically renew from year to year. This ensures you keep your subscription even if the season sells out. It also helps us plan the next year’s crop, ordering enough seed to meet expected demand. However, if you prefer to turn off your auto-renew settings, here’s what to do.
Questions & Answers
More answers to some frequently asked questions about our Community Supported Agriculture program.