Someone WON a FREE Winter Share!

Hello everybody to the CSA community out there. We have this beautiful crew that's about to draw for a free winter share.

I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Karin, the CSA manager.

We're going to go right down the row.

Hi, I'm James. I do wholesale sales.

I'm Nathan. I run Harvest.

Hola, soy Miquel.

Hola, soy Alejandro.

Hola, soy Juanito.

And I'm Abby and we're here today standing in our new high tunnel. This one we're calling the Jasper and you can see we just worked the ground today. We're getting ready to start planting crops in here that we will be using for our winter CSA.

So just to sort of give you a little preview of what the winter CSA is all about. We have a lot of standard winter crops here for the entire winter season like your cabbages, beets, the famous Featherstone carrots, turnips, 11 different varieties of winter squash. We've got a lot of great seasonal Minnesota vegetables and then with the help of this tunnel we'll be able to grow a lot more green fresh crops for you guys for the winter. So especially before Christmas we'll have lots of salad mix, spinach, and hopefully a little bit of kale that we're going to try in here this year. And then we'll have nice fresh spinach all throughout the entire winter. Hopefully where the guys are seeing it in the greenhouse right now. So, lots of good stuff to look forward to in the winter box. Okay, awesome.

Without further ado, instead of just giving away a winter shirt, we're going to start with the white t-shirt.

Beautiful right there and we have a handy dandy spinner. So, I will push go. Come on white-shirt. Here we go, white shirt. Who's it going to be? Who's it going to be?

Oh, it is a Midgarden at You will get an email from me. Awesome.

Next is for the tote bag and here we go. Yes, everybody needs a tote bag with the famous carrot logo. Love it. The anticipation. The anticipation. Can you see it? Oh, you can see it. Mary Zahn Miller. Congratulations. Yay.

Okay, we go right into the red Featherstone t-shirt. Here we go. And these T-shirts that you will be receiving, they are extra-large. Oh, and it's Marian Keeler. Marian. Yes, nice, nice job.

Green Featherstone t-shirt. Here we go. Here we go. The anticipation. This is the longest dial. Oh, Rachel Brown.

All right, finally. That guy, holding a beautiful cabbage that you will see in a winter share. Here we go. Did they win the cabbage or did they win the CSA? Oh, they win the CSA. The cabbage will be in the CSA. It's just a placeholder for a whole winter share. This is the grand prize. And it's Amy Anderson.

Congratulations. Guys, thank you so, so much and I will be in contact. Have a great day. Thank you, guys. Bye.


Jack’s BUG Week #11 8-28


Jack’s Words of Wisdom