The Journey of Your Share

Behind the Scenes of CSA Share Delivery

Welcome to our exclusive insider's look at the journey of your beloved CSA shares from the farm to your drop site location. Get ready to embark on a fascinating voyage through the meticulous process of packing, transporting, and delivering the freshest produce to your doorstep!

Packing the Veggies:

Our journey begins at the heart of the farm, where diligent farmers harvest a bounty of seasonal delights. From vibrant tomatoes to crisp lettuce, each vegetable is carefully selected at the peak of freshness. Then, it's off to the packing shed, where a team of skilled hands sorts, washes, and bundles the produce with utmost care. Every CSA share is a vibrant tapestry of flavors, colors, and nutrients, meticulously curated to delight your senses.

Loading Up the Truck:

With the crates brimming with nature's goodness, it's time to load up the trusty delivery truck. Our dedicated crew orchestrates a symphony of efficiency as they stack crates, ensuring that delicate greens are cushioned and sturdy root vegetables are snugly secured. Every inch of space is maximized, with precision and foresight guiding the placement of each crate.

Drivers On the Road:

Our intrepid drivers embark on their journey, navigating winding roads and bustling highways to bring your CSA shares closer to home. Equipped with GPS systems and a passion for delivering freshness, they brave the elements with determination and diligence. Safety is paramount, and our drivers undergo rigorous training to handle every twist and turn with skill and caution.

Unloading and Restacking:

Arriving at the drop site location, our drivers are greeted by eager members eagerly awaiting their weekly bounty. With practiced ease, they unload crates, each one filled with the promise of nourishment and culinary adventure. Together with volunteers, they swiftly restack shares, ensuring that every member receives their portion of farm-fresh goodness.


From farm to drop site, the journey of your CSA share is a testament to the dedication and passion of all involved. Behind every bundle of kale and every heirloom tomato lies a story of hard work, care, and commitment to sustainable agriculture. So, the next time you unpack your CSA share, remember the journey it took to reach your table, and savor each bite with gratitude and appreciation.


What’s in your Spring Box: Week 3


Treat Them Carefully and Eat Them Quickly…the words of a wise man- Jack