Featherstone Recipe Project

Let’s Make a Featherstone

Community Cookbook!

Let’s make a recipe collection!

As we gear up for summer at Featherstone Farm, we're excited to announce a special project to celebrate the goodness of super-fresh organic produce—and the culinary creativity of our members!

During our recent customer listening sessions, many of you shared the ways you use Featherstone produce to create amazing, mouth-watering salads, stews, smoothies, stir-fries, casseroles, desserts, and more. We were so inspired, in fact, that we’d like to collect those recipes—along with some of the stories that go with them—in one place. Until we think of a better name (suggestions?), we’ll call it the Featherstone Farm Community Cookbook.

Here’s how to participate:

  1. Submit Your Recipe: Share your favorite recipe featuring one or more of the fresh produce items from Featherstone Farm. The item(s) should be featured prominently (not an afterthought), although you can use other ingredients, of course. For a list of everything we grow, see this page: What's in the Box?

  2. Include a Photo: If you have a good photo of the completed dish, please include it with your submission.

  3. Tell Your Story: If there's a story behind your recipe, we’d love to hear it! Share why this recipe is special to you and your family.

Deadline for Submissions: June 19th

This date marks the start of our summer CSA deliveries, and we can't wait to celebrate with a collection of your culinary creations. Submit your recipe using the form below.

We expect to have the finished product ready to share with you as a printable PDF by August—just in time for peak harvest season!

We hope this cookbook will not only provide you with new and exciting ways to enjoy our produce but also strengthen the sense of community that makes Featherstone Farm so special. Your participation is what makes our farm family thrive!

A few thoughts…

  • Please only submit recipes that you have made.

  • Copyright: Ideas are not subject to copyright, so if you originally learned the recipe from another source, you’re okay to share it. The text of a specific recipe is subject to copyright, however. Please do not copy and paste from another source.

  • Nonexclusive rights: By submitting your recipe, you are giving us nonexclusive rights to reproduce and publish your submission, including photos. “Nonexclusive” means you’re free to publish your recipe, photos, and other materials anywhere else.

Recipe Submission Form

Having problems with this form? Contact us at csa@featherstonefarm.com.