Kärin’s Mid-survey Evaluation

Communication is Key to Growth: A Heartfelt Thank You

They say communication is knowledge, and knowledge is power—the power to make meaningful changes when you have the desire and capacity to do so. When you took the time to fill out our survey, you gave us the gift of clear communication and new perspectives. We’ve listened closely, and with your insights, we’ve already started making changes where it feels right. These updates span our entire operation, some visible to you and some behind the scenes, all aimed at serving you better.

Here’s a glimpse of what’s new:

  • Enhanced Pack-Line Procedures: We’ve streamlined our processes to ensure fresher, faster deliveries.

  • Improved Online Presence: Our blog is now a rich library of vegetable education, farm knowledge, and personal stories. Our social media channels, Instagram and Facebook, are not just about the farm; they highlight how folks like me—an outlier in the world of farming—are using our organic vegetables and getting involved with our CSA community. We’re slowly transforming our social media into a place where farm families and learning families alike can connect. We’re excited to announce a new Facebook Hub just for CSA members—a space to share and celebrate what you’re doing with your share. I love the saying, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” My hope is that this Hub becomes our Featherstone Tide, lifting us all up through our vegetable success. You’ll receive an invite soon!

  • Newsletter Evolution: We’re committed to making our newsletter more relevant and engaging based on your feedback—whether it’s adjusting the font size, balancing the amount of information, or refining the frequency of emails. Our goal is to keep you informed about farm growth, celebrate our crew and community, share environmental education, and provide vegetable knowledge and recipes. I’m always open to suggestions—if there’s a topic you’d like to know more about, let me know!

  • Better Veggie Descriptions: We’ve improved the descriptions you see when customizing your box, making them more helpful with each round of feedback. Whether you’re loving them or feel certain details could be better placed, we’re listening.

  • Success Series: We’ve launched a Success Series designed to benefit everyone—from brand-new customers to seasoned veterans. This series, easily accessible on our newly designed website, is full of helpful tips and tricks to make the most of your CSA experience.

We are a CSA community that learns and grows every day, together. Having been a CSA member for years, I understand that each of us has unique needs, concerns, and questions. Nothing is too small to ask about—this farm is YOU. As we continue to grow alongside one another, open communication and connection will help us all flourish. This is only mid-season; just imagine the vegetable success we’ll achieve by continuing this journey of growth and learning.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Featherstone Farm’s guide to Fillmore County


Jack’s BUG Week #11 8-28