Picking Up
Your Farm Box

CSA Success Series #3

Come and Get It!

Hey everyone! Welcome to part three of our CSA Success Series. This time, we’re talking about how to pick up your farm box.

“How hard could it be to pick up a box once a week?”

You’re right, it’s not that complicated. But after more than twenty-mumble-mumble years doing this CSA delivery thing, we’ve seen a few ways things can go wrong. These tips are designed to ensure you have a smooth, easy experience every time.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Know Your Pickup Location and Schedule

When you subscribed, you chose a pickup location that works best for you. This information is always available in your weekly box pickup email, and you can also find it on our website:

  1. Log into your member account.

  2. Navigate to "Box Schedule and Contents."

  3. Select "Drop Point Details."

Here, you’ll get the address of your pickup location, as well as the day and hours your box should be available for pickup.

Put these dates into your calendar or planner to make sure you remember to pick up your box every week.

Easy peasy, right?

💡PRO TIP: Did you know you can reschedule your farm box delivery if you know you will be unavailable? Check out how right here: How to Reschedule Your CSA Farm Box.

Step 2: Get Your Morning Pickup Notification

On the morning of your farm box pickup day, you’ll receive an email or text message with all the details. To make sure you’re getting these updates, you can set or change your contact preferences:

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Click on "Settings."

  3. Select "Change your contact information."

Step 3: Pick Up Your Box

At the pickup site, follow these steps to grab your box of locally grown grocery goodness:

  1. Look for the Featherstone Farm boxes. You can’t miss them—they’re stacked and ready for you!

  2. Find your name. Each box has a sticker with the customer’s name. It’s important to take the box with your name on it, as each box is customized to your preferences.

Step 4: Unpack and Store Right Away

Once you bring your box home, it’s best to unpack and store the items immediately. Our veggies are super-fresh and will stay that way longer if you process and store them right away, especially the leafy greens and roots with leafy tops.

Step 5: Return Your Box Next Week

Your box is easy to fold and store. On your next pickup date, return the box to the pickup site and leave it next to the stack of new boxes, or wherever the pickup site directs you to keep it.

Follow those tips, and you should have smooth sailing.


Yes, life happens. If you can’t pick up your box at the last minute, you can always ask someone else to pick it up for you. If possible, arrange this with a few friends in advance.

What if I miss my farm box pickup time?

Unfortunately, if you miss your farm box pickup window, the sad wah-wah-wah sound plays in the background, because there’s not really anything you—or we—can do about it. Our pickup locations are doing us a favor by agreeing to let us use valuable floor space for our farm boxes. Part of our agreement with them is that boxes that haven’t been picked up are forfeited after the pickup window closes.

However, this is a pretty rare occurrence, so rather than dwell on it, lettuce instead look forward to the next email in our welcome series, all about storing and using up your produce.

Until then, keep calm and carrot on! 🥕

Next, check out other articles in the CSA Success Series.

As always, please reach out to our CSA manager, Karin, by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns: csa@featherstonefarm.com or 507-864-2400.