Strawberry Social Sadness

It is with deep regret that I must announce the cancellation of this year's much-anticipated Strawberry Social, originally scheduled for this week. The decision comes due to the significant impact of recent rainfall on our fields, which has left the ground saturated and our strawberries compromised.

The excessive rain has not only damaged our crop, resulting in muddy and spoiled berries, but has also caused severe soil compaction. This makes it impossible for us to safely accommodate the large number of visitors expected for the event without further harming the land.

Despite our best efforts to salvage what we can, the forecast for continued rain throughout the week leaves us no choice but to prioritize the health of our fields and crop.

We understand the disappointment this may bring, especially considering our already limited strawberry yield this season.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to providing our community with exceptional produce. We plan to incorporate any viable strawberries into upcoming CSA boxes, should conditions improve miraculously.

Additionally, we are excited to announce our Fall Party on September 21st, where we hope to celebrate under more favorable weather conditions.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support during this challenging time. Thank you for being part of our farm community, and we look forward to welcoming you back this fall.


Week #2 of Our Summer CSA 6-26-24


Week #1 of our Summer CSA 6-19-24