Week #1 of our Summer CSA 6-19-24

Hello CSA Members,

Welcome to the kickoff of our Summer 2024 program at Featherstone Farm! It's been an eventful start to the season with abundant rainfall impacting our crops this week. Despite the challenges, we're excited to share what's in store for your kitchen this coming week.

Let's dive into the lineup starting with our exceptional field-grown onions. Thanks to Abby and her team, these onions are sweet, tender, and even the tops are delicious—don't overlook them in your meals!

Next up is Napa cabbage, a personal favorite of mine. The crisp ribs of Napa cabbage are perfect for creating refreshing slaws this time of year. From our high tunnels, we're bringing you delicate Hakka rye turnips and young beets with their flavorful greens, ideal for braising or stir-fries.

Also fresh from our high tunnels is our first batch of kohlrabi. Its succulent texture and sweet flavor make it perfect for enjoying raw—just peel and enjoy! The tops can be cooked like collard greens or kale for added variety.

Speaking of greens, we have tender Red Russian kale from our protected high tunnel environment. It's so delicate that it cooks up quickly, akin to spinach.

Moving to our field-grown offerings, our lettuce has faced its share of challenges with the recent rains. While not our most picture-perfect crop this season, these lettuces are still great for immediate use in salads.

As for strawberries, we regret to inform you that our crop has been heavily affected by the rain. Stay tuned for more details on this in an upcoming video.

On a brighter note, our field-grown green kale and collard greens are thriving. Thanks to our diligent soil management, these greens are exceptionally flavorful and bug-free, perfect for incorporating into your favorite dishes.

Finally, we're delighted to include Abby's Garlic Scapes this week. These flavorful seed heads are a testament to Abby's expertise and dedication to quality. Whether chopped into burgers or used in salad dressings, they add a unique twist to any meal.

We're excited about the week ahead and look forward to sharing more wonderful produce with you soon. Thank you for being part of our community, and we can't wait to see how you enjoy this week's bounty!


Strawberry Social Sadness


It has been a WET Spring!